Do your employees have confidentiality and non-compete agreements, and are they enforceable? trade secretBHMay 19, 2020
Do you have a process for reviewing and approving the release of confidential information? trade secretBHMay 19, 2020
Have you identified the unobvious gaps where disclosures of trade secrets often occur? trade secretBHMay 19, 2020
What reasonable trade secret protections do you have in place, and are these documented? trade secretBHMay 19, 2020
What are you doing to protect this intangible property from walking out the door? trade secretBHMay 19, 2020
Are you aware of who has access to this valuable IP and how is it being controlled? trade secretBHMay 19, 2020
Do you know what are your valuable trade secrets and where they are located? trade secretBHMay 19, 2020
Have you considered technology options for increasing your trademark enforcement success against counterfeit and grey market goods? trademarkBHMay 18, 2020
Have you audited your IP portfolio for business justification for your current trademark country protections? trademarkBHMay 18, 2020
Do you have a process in place for globally monitoring confusingly similar trademarks and domain names? trademarkBHMay 18, 2020
Do you have guidelines for trademark usages for implementing uniformity in your externally facing communications? trademarkBHMay 18, 2020
Do you know whether your IP spend is directed to the most current, important and valuable assets? costBHApril 4, 2020
Have you been surprised or even shocked with seemingly unjustifiable IP fees and expenses? costBHApril 4, 2020
Are you constantly having to explain your IP spend because it is not transparent and predictable? costBHApril 4, 2020